UAOSU’s Summer Solidarity Social! Wednesday August 29th @ 4:30pm – 8:30pm, Avery

Celebrate Our Certification!

Wednesday, August 29th, 4:30 – 8:30 pm

Avery Park Thompson Shelter

Join us for the 4th annual UAOSU Summer Solidarity Social – Our 1st since the successful certification. This year’s social will be potluck style. Beverages and grill items will be provided, so feel free to bring a side dish or dessert. RSVP here for yourself and your family to make sure there is plenty of food for everyone!

Supporting Non-Tenure Track Faculty through Collective Bargaining

A Conversation with Heather Quarles:
Supporting Non-Tenure Track Faculty through Collective Bargaining

Wednesday February 28th, 4-6pm, Memorial Union

Heather Quarles is a Senior Instructor of Spanish and member of the Executive Council for the United Academics of the University of Oregon (UAUO). Heather will draw from her own experience as a non-tenure track instructor and officer in UAUO to discuss how her union has addressed the concerns of contingent and non-tenure track faculty, what it’s like to be an officer in her union, and how faculty across ranks support one another.

Sorry you missed our event! Check out the brief summary here.