Save the Date:
UAOSU’s Summer Solidarity Social!
Wednesday August 29th @ 4:30pm – 8:30pm
Avery Park’s Thompson Shelter
United Academics of Oregon State University
Building Our Faculty Union
Save the Date:
UAOSU’s Summer Solidarity Social!
Wednesday August 29th @ 4:30pm – 8:30pm
Avery Park’s Thompson Shelter
Celebrate Our Certification!
Wednesday, August 29th, 4:30 – 8:30 pm
Avery Park Thompson Shelter
Join us for the 4th annual UAOSU Summer Solidarity Social – Our 1st since the successful certification. This year’s social will be potluck style. Beverages and grill items will be provided, so feel free to bring a side dish or dessert. RSVP here for yourself and your family to make sure there is plenty of food for everyone!
End of Term BBQ
Friday, June 8th, 4-8pm
Avery Park Thompson Shelter
Join us for an End of Term BBQ to celebrate and relax after a term of hard work and amazing organizing! Food and beverages will be provided. Please RSVP here for yourself and your family so we’re sure to have plenty of food!
Portland Card Signing Event
Wednesday, May 31st, 4:30-6:30pm
Growler Guys, 3739 SW Bond Ave
We have reached the final step in gaining legal recognition of our faculty union at OSU! The card check process requires a majority of all eligible faculty sign an authorization card in order to approve our union. Signing a card is a ‘yes’ vote, and not signing constitutes a ‘no.’ This makes the process even more democratic than a traditional election by giving every faculty member an equal voice in the process.
Join us for a signing event at Growler Guys to sign your card and be part of this historic moment!
UAOSU On Campus and Virtual Office Hours
Thursday, May 17th, 11-3pm, MU Talisman Room
Come talk with faculty active in building our union, get your questions answered, sign your authorization card, and pick up your mission statement poster! If you can’t be there in person, visit our website at and click the “Virtual Office Hours” button in the bottom right corner to chat with a colleague.
Tuğrul Özel: Faculty Unionization Experience for International & STEM Faculty
Monday, May 14th, 4-6pm, Memorial Union
Tuğrul Özel is an Associate Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Rutgers University. Dr. Özel will speak about his experience as a member and leader in the Rutgers AAUP-AFT faculty union. He will highlight how his union has specifically represented the needs of international faculty, through both contractual improvements and deeper social connections among all faculty. Dr. Özel will also discuss the gains he and other STEM faculty have achieved through collective bargaining.
Sorry you missed our event! Check out the brief summary here.
Faculty Senate and Faculty Union Relationship: Q&A with Chris Sinclair
Thursday March 15th, 12-2pm, Memorial Union
Chris Sinclair is an Associate Professor of Mathematics, the President of the University of Oregon Faculty Senate, and a member of the Executive Council for the United Academics of the University of Oregon (UAUO). Chris will discuss how UAUO interacts with other major institutions on their campus – specifically how their union and senate work together to strengthen shared governance at the University of Oregon.
Sorry you missed our event! Check out the brief summary here.